Father of Justin Layne explains why he repainted his house in Steelers colors


May 2019

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Within hours of the Steelers selecting his son in the third-round of the 2019 NFL Draft, die-hard Browns fan DeAndre Layne had repainted the rooms in his house decorated in Cleveland colors to fit with his son’s new team.

While the Pittsburgh Steelers selection of Justin Layne in the third-round of the 2019 NFL Draft might have been far from his father’s preferred choice, it would be fair to say that Dre Layne has embraced the pick perhaps more than could be ever have been reasonably expected for a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan.

Well, once he had gotten over his initial disappointment that is.

Layne had made no secret of his desire to see his son selected by his favorite NFL team, a dream he thought might become a reality after the Browns took the Michigan State product out to dinner just days before the start of the draft. But seeing him passed over for another cornerback and then hearing the Steelers call his son’s name, Layne became an instant Pittsburgh fan. And for a man whose house was decorated in Cleveland colors, that meant the whole place needed to repainted.

A task his father took to immediately, proudly posting a series of pictures on Instagram to show the change he had made over the weekend.

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That simple…

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With the final reveal even featuring some appropriate music:

Forgiving his incorrect placement of the blue hypocycloid in the middle of the logo as a new fan, we have to say that is some impressive work to have completed in just a few days and must pass on our respect for his commitment to the cause.

Layne even went as far as to call into local sports radio station 92.3 the Fan to tell host Ken Carman and Anthony Lima how hurt he was that his hometown team had past over his son.

“So two nights before the draft they took him out to dinner, you know, made him feel good about his chances of being picked … They slept on him, so here we are.”

Believing he was going to be taken by the Browns, Justin had his Cleveland socks on ready for the pick, instantly removing them when the Steelers called his name. A move his father wholeheartedly approved of.

“They got up and got their guy (Greedy Williams), which I respect, but we have to have a divorce at this point.”

Acknowledging that he had now thrown away all of his Browns merchandise, Layne went on to explain just how deep his passion for Cleveland had once run.

“You don’t understand how die-hard I am, I was, excuse me. I woke my daughter up the next morning, she’s seven, she doesn’t understand really what’s going on. I had my Steelers shirt on, she was like “good morning daddy” and then she was like “what do you have on?”, its like that. This is serious man.

Having spent much of Saturday and Sunday repainting the bathroom. Layne even brought in a friend to help him out with the logo. And should his son ended up being traded to another team in the future, Layne vowed he would never return to the Browns.

“Here’s the thing. If your girlfriend cheated on you, would you take her back? My girlfriend cheated on me man … You got another cornerback, so, it is what it is,”

By all accounts, most of the rest of his family are already Steelers fans, so not everyone needs to go to the lengths that Layne has gone through. However those who did need to make a change like Justin’s uncle Brandon Layne were also on board with the switch, with Brandon making an appearance towards the end of the interview.

“Let me put it to you this way, it’s day four of me being a lifelong Steelers fan since birth.”

The whole interview is hilarious and is well worth the listen in its entirety. If Justin has half the sense of humor of his father and uncle, he should be a fantastic addition to the locker room and a firm favorite with the fans.

And thanks to his colleagues are work, his cubicle has also had a makeover now too: